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[求助]WiMAX中的simpling factor有啥用啊  (进入论坛模式)
提问者:xzb20062007   |  提问时间:2012-4-11 15:04
The sampling factor n determines the subcarrier spacing (in conjunction with the bandwidth and
used data subcarriers), and the useful symbol time. This value is set to 28/25 for channel
bandwidths that are a multiple of any of 1.25, 1.5, 2 or 2.75 MHz (which is applicable in our
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kin5000 的答案    ( 采纳时间:2012-4-18 16:03 )
In OFDM systems, RF BW usually is smaller than FFT BW (Nfft * subcarrier spacing). E.g., 802.11a, RF BW=17.6MHz (-3dBc) while FFT BW is 20 MHz.

My understanding is the sampling factor in WiMax FFT BW to RF BW ratio. In the case of 802.11a, the sampling factor is 20/17.6 = 1.136. I hope my understanding is correct.
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例如,5M带宽 512点FFT,20MHz带宽2048点FFT?
 |  回应该答案 (1)  |  回答者:ziyubiti   |  2012-4-11 23:10
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