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MAC问题 UL和DL-SCH data transfer部分
提问者:kkdr   |  提问时间:2013-1-23 19:10
MAC36321协议,UL和DL-SCH data transfer部分 看得有点迷糊。。。 麻烦达人们帮解答下面的几个问题吧,其实,说白了,可能就是一个问题。 先谢谢啦!!! 5.3 DL-SCH data transfer 1. - if a downlink assignment for this TTI has been received on the PDCCH for the UE’s C-RNTI, or Temporary C-RNTI: - else, if a downlink assignment for this TTI has been received on the PDCCH for the UE’s Semi-Persistent Scheduling C-RNTI: - else, if a downlink assignment for this TTI has been configured and there is no measurement gap in this TTI and this TTI is not an MBSFN subframe: 第一个if应该是动态高度吧,第二个是SPS,第三个呢?received和configured有什么不同呀?configured是指的Semi-Persistent Scheduling吗? 2. For configured downlink assignments, the HARQ Process ID associated with this TTI is derived from the following equation: configured downlink assignments是指的Semi-Persistent Scheduling吗? if the downlink assignment is for UE’s C-RNTI and if the previous downlink assignment indicated to the HARQ entity of the same HARQ process was either a downlink assignment received for the UE’s Semi-Persistent Scheduling C-RNTI or a configured downlink assignment: 从上面的协议来看,configured downlink assignments和Semi-Persistent Scheduling应该不一样,区别是什么呢? 3. 动态调度时,需要每个TTI都得从eNodeb获得assignment吗?是不是assignment有个duration呢? 4. SPS时,需要从eNodeb获得assignment吗?流程与动态调度的区别是? 5. 从NDI怎么来判断是新传还是重传?TD中,这个值的取值是010101...值相同时认为是重传。 6. consider the NDI bit to have been toggled。这句话会意思,数据重传?
回答时间:2013-1-28 13:15
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