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提问者:抽抽学学问   |  提问时间:2013-10-12 16:49
在一篇资料中看到如下内容: Carrier frequency offset (CFO) is caused by the mismatch between the transmitter oscillator and the receiver oscillator. In this paper, we assume that the CFO is small enough and hence the inter-carrier interference (ICI) caused by the CFO can be neglected. However, the small CFO will still result in phase rotation effect. we also assume that the timing offset (TO) is small enough, i.e. the timing is in the range of guard interval, and hence the inter-symbol interference (ISI) will not be occurred. Also, the small TO will still result in phase rotation effect. 时域的时偏引起频域的相位旋转能够理解,可是为什么频偏也能引起频率频率偏转吗? 如果频偏为φ,那么频域表示难道不应该是X(f-φ)吗?为什么会对相位造成影响呢? 这个是OFDM系统。 请各位赐教
回答时间:2014-1-14 12:45
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