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亚星游戏官网-yaxin222  列兵

发表于 2004-8-1 21:53:00 |显示全部楼层
I am a master student studying at Unitec Insititute of Technology in
Auckland, New Zealand. I am writing my dissertation about 3G in China, I got
some questions would like to get answers from you. could you take few times
to reply these questions? the answers will be use for appendics and
references of my dissertation.

我是一个在读硕士生,正在做论文,是关于中国3G发展的情况,希翼各位能够帮忙回答我下面的问题.所有的问题已经分了类别.可否根据你所属单位来回答.谢谢.  我的邮箱是tensun_liang@163.net.

Company企业名: (例如,中国电信,北电..就行了)
Name人名: (可否留下姓,例如李先生..)

Industry  (like 北电, 阿尔卡特, HUAWEI, 中兴)

1.    Would there be any phases for adoption of 3G technology?And if so what would these phases be?请问现在3G是否处于采用阶段?如果是,请问处于那个阶段?

2.    What are the risks associated with adopting / investing in an inappropriate 3G technology?如果采用了不适合的3G技术,那么会带来什么风险?

3.    Has any trial implementation of this technology been made? If so what is the result? 3G技术进行测试了吗?结果是怎么样?

4.    Could you explain in brief why the 3G mobile device development is so slow?请你可以简要的说一说为什么3G移动设备发展得那么慢?

5.    Your enterprise is the TD-SCDMA/WCDMA/CDMA2000 provider, how do you consider the future of the TD-SCDMA/WCDMA/CDMA2000? Will it be the mainstream technology in Chinese 3G development?你的企业是3G技术的提供者.你怎样看待你们所支撑的技术标准?它会成为中国的主流吗?

6.    Purely from the technical angle, of the three 3G technologies which one do you feel will emerge as the leading technology?纯粹的从技术角度去分析.在三种标准中,那一种的技术领先?

Consultants ( 电信咨询企业)

1.    The head of the Chinese Ministry of Information Industry has stated that the delay in finalizing of the user- end devices of the Chinese 3G standard restricts the Chinese 3G standard adoption and implementation in China; what do you think about the statement? 中国信息产业部说由于用户终端的发展缓慢而导致了在中国采用3G技术的延后.你对这些话有什么见解?

2.    If more than one 3G technology is adopted which in your opinion will get the major share of the "cake” in China? 如果超过一种以上的3G标准应该在中国,你认为那种标准会得到最大的市场份额?

3.    It is believed that the Chinese Government will not force the Telecommunication operators to adopt a particular 3G standard. Would you kindly comment on this?中国信息产业部说不会强迫运营商采用何种3G标准,请问你怎么看这件事?

4.    If the adoption of 3G technology is delayed, what does China stand to lose?如果3G应用推迟,中国会失去什么?

5.    From a purely technological angle which technology best suits the Chinese environment? 如果仅从技术角度去考虑,你认为那一种3G技术更适合中国的环境?

6.    From your professional angle, how many 3G licences will be issued? By when are these licences expected to be issued?你认为中国将会发几张3G牌照呢?什么时候会发放?

7.    Will the Chinese 3G standard TD-SCDMA win the “challenge” for adoption even it is the youngest of the three standards? What do you consider as the significant reasons for the Chinese 3G standard (TD-SCDMA) to win, or not win this adoption challenge?你认为中国的标准在中国市场会赢得大部分市场份额吗?为什么会赢,或为什么不会呢?请你可以简短说说原因吗?

Government (政府电信官员)

1.    On what basis are the decisions made concerning the selection of a mobile technology in China?请问在中国对于3G移动技术的选择基准是什么?

2.    How many 3G licences would be issued? By when are these licences expected to be issued?你认为中国会发几张3G牌照?什么时候会发呢?

3.    How would the granting of 3G licences be tied to their adoption in China?3G牌照的发放会怎样影响3G的采用?

4.    In brief, how will the adoption of 3G technology promote growth of the Chinese economy?请简要的说一说3G对中国经济的影响?

5.    The official of the Ministry of Information Industry Department has stated that China would not issue the 3G licences until the 3G technology has matured. I would like to seek your opinion in case the 3G licences are not issued in 2004.信息产业部的官员说,直到3G技术成熟才会发放3G牌照.你对这有什么意见?

6.    It is believed that the Chinese Telecommunication Research Department intends to issue 3 licences in 2005, but the expectation of the telecommunication industry is that 4 licences would be issued. Could you kindly comment in this regard? 中国电信研究部门打算在2005年发放3个3G牌照,但电信行业希望会发放4个.请你可以评论一下这个冲突吗?

Telecommunication Operators (like, China telecom,(中国电信),中国移动,中国联通)

1.    What are the risks associated with adopting / investing in an inappropriate 3G technology?如果采用了不适合的3G技术,那么会带来什么风险?

2.    The official of the Ministry of Information Industry Department has stated that China would not issue the 3G licences until the 3G technology has matured. I would like to seek your opinion in case the 3G licences are not issued in 2004.信息产业部的官员说,直到3G技术成熟才会发放3G牌照.你对这有什么意见?

3.    How many 3G licences would be issued? By when are these licences expected to be issued?你认为中国会发几张3G牌照?什么时候会发呢?

4.    If the adoption of 3G technology is delayed, what does China stand to lose?如果3G应用推迟,中国会失去什么?

5.    It is believed that the Chinese Government will not force the Telecommunication operators to adopt a particular 3G standard. Would you kindly comment on this?中国信息产业部说不会强迫运营商采用何种3G标准,请问你怎么看这件事?

6.    On what basis are the decisions made concerning the selection of a mobile technology in your company? 请问你企业对于3G移动技术的选择基准是什么?


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