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发表于 2005-5-15 18:08:00 |显示全部楼层


Quoted from http://www.cuj.com/documents/s=8235/cuj0306mcdaniel/
An Algorithm for Error Correcting Cyclic Redundance Checks
Bill McDaniel
A straightforward technique to leverage the error-correcting capability inhere
nt in CRCs.

Programmers have used the Cyclic Redundance Check (CRC) algorithm for years to
uncover errors in a data transmission. It turns out that you can also use CRC
s to correct a single-bit error in any transmission. I first heard about error
correcting CRCs in a conversation I had several years ago [1]. At the time, I
thought this feature of CRCs was general knowledge, but as I did more researc
h, I saw no mention of CRC error correction in the popular literature. The tra
ditional response to a CRC error is re-transmission. However, the advance of c
omputer technology has led to some situations where it is actually preferable
to correct single-bit errors rather than to resend. Some examples include:

Satellite transmission -- If a host is sending data via a satellite, the cost
of sending a regular packet is high, so the cost of a resend just doubles the
price for the packet.
High-speed transmission -- In the future, there may be a tendency to push the
technology. (Let's crank this baby up and see what it will do.)The faster bits
move through a medium, the higher the probability of error.
PowerLine Carriers -- Metricom Corporation, a supplier of integrated circuits
for computer applications states, "There is a growing interest in the use of P
owerLine Carrier (PLC) for data communication using the intrabuilding electric
power distribution circuits. Power lines were not designed for data communica
tions and exhibit highly variable levels of impedance, signal attenuation and
noise... Harmful effects of impulse noise on data communications systems can b
e expected." [2].
You could also use CRC error correction for storage devices -- both hard disk
and RAM -- and for compression programs. The way compression programs are writ
ten now, it is often difficult to recover the original data if one bit is lost
. Bit errors typically occur in bursts. Tannenbaum describes a method for reco
vering from burst errors that lends itself to a 1-bit error correction techniq
ue such as the technique I describe in this article (see the sidebar titled "C
orrecting Burst Errors").

Error Correcting CRCs
The algorithm for error correcting CRCs involves determining the remainder aft
er dividing in binary (modulo 2). The algorithm is table driven. The length of
the message is determined, a priori, and agreed to by both the sender and the
receiver. A generator polynomial value that can be used to determine the posi
tion of errors anywhere in the message is also selected at that time.

Before a message is sent, a checksum is calculated and appended onto the end o
f the message. The message and checksum are then sent. The receiver gets the m
essage and calculates a second checksum (of both parts). If the new checksum v
alue is 0 then the message is considered valid. If not, the checksum value is
used as a subscript in an error correction table to determine the position of
the bad bit. This method will find and correct 1-bit errors. The receiver buil
ds the error correction table using the chosen Generator Polynomial (GP). The
GP has to be carefully selected, because different GPs have different characte
ristics. I discuss the selection of an error correcting GP later in this artic

Building the Tables
To build the error correction table, I begin with a series of 0s representing
correct data. One of the bits is then set to 1. Using modulo 2 division (exclu
sive-or), the receiver divides the message by the GP, calculating the remainde
r that is used as a subscript in the error correction table. See Algorithm 1.

Algorithm 1:

for (i = 1; i<=Message_Length; i++)
    set all bits in the Message to 0
    change the i'th bit to 1
    calculate the checksum (cs)
    EC_table[cs] = i

You only have to build this table once for each generator polynomial.

Building the EC Table for 1011
In the example that follows, I have chosen a 4-bit generator polynomial. With
4-bit GPs, only two GP values can be used for error correction--decimal values
11 and 13. I chose 11. When one divides the message by the 4-bit GP, the resu
lt is a 3-bit remainder, yielding values from 0 to 7. This result implies that
I can use this GP for a message with a total length from 1 to 7 bits. (Four b
its for the message and 3 bits for the checksum). The result of the calculatio
n of the checksums is shown in Table 1. At the bottom of the table are the dec
imal values of the remainders after the division.

These values are then used to fill the Error Correction (EC) table. The EC tab
le, in checksum order, is shown in Table 2. You could initialize an array in C
with these values. Usually, EC[0] is not used.

int EC[] = {0,7,6,4,5,1,3,2};

This process makes up the test for error correcting generator polynomial valid
ity. For a given number, if the entire table cannot be built (i.e., if two or
more numbers map to 1 slot), the number chosen cannot be used as an error corr
ecting generator polynomial. In practice, when data is sent, the sender comput
es the checksum (cs) and then appends the checksum onto the end of the data. W
hen the receiver receives the message combined with the checksum, the receiver
computes another checksum (cs2). If the second checksum is zero, the data is
(supposedly) ok. If cs2 is NOT zero, EC[cs2] contains the location of the bit
in error.

Sending a Message with GP = 1011
Start with the following generator polynomial: 1011. Assume the Original Data
is 1100. First append 3 additional bits (with value 000) on the end. Then calc
ulate the checksum (using exclusive-or):

The resulting checksum is: 010 and the string that is sent is the original dat
a appended with the checksum: 1100010. Suppose the following string of bits is
received 1101010. (Numbering from left to right, bit 4 has changed.) The rece
iver computes the checksum.


The checksum is binary 011, which is 3 in decimal. EC[3] is 4, which is the po
sition of the bad bit! (Refer to Table 2) You can use this scheme for much lon
ger messages, but the preceeding example demonstrates the essence of the algor
ithm. I wrote a program that determines whether a given bit pattern can be use
d as an error correcting GP (see Listing 1). None of the existing widely used
GPs work for error correction (see the sidebar titled "Generator Polynomials")
There are ways of finding the bad bit without using tables. The following code
is a slight modification of an algorithm presented by Fred Halsall [4] for co
mputing an 8-bit CRC.

Algorithm 2:

    hpo2 = 8;
    v = 1;
    for (i = hpo2-1; i>=1; i--)
        if (v == checksum)
          bad_bit_position = i;
        v = v + v;
        if (v >= hpo2) v = v ^ GP;

If you have a lot of packets to check, table lookup is faster.

Using a Finite State Machine
Intrigued by the idea of CRC error correction, I looked at the method from dif
ferent angles, and, as a result, I discovered a method for error correcting CR
Cs using finite state methods. Given the following generator polynomial: 11 (1
011 in binary), I first determine the value of the left-most 1 bit (8) in the
GP. I call it hpo2, and it is equal to the highest power of 2 in the GP. Then
I build a Finite State Table (FST) for GP = 1011. This table represents states
of the machine. The table has hpo2-1 rows and 2 columns (0 and 1). The proced
ure for building an FST is as follows: Let t equal the current row number. The
row number represents the current state. Double it. (t = t * 2) Add the curre
nt column number (zero or one) to t. If the value of t is >= hpo2, then exclus
ive-or it with the GP. Place the value of t into the current row and current c
olumn of the table. The following C code computes the values in the FST.

Algorithm 3:

for (r = 0; r < hpo2; r++)
  for (c = 0; c < 2; c++)
      t = r*2 + c;
      if (t >= hpo2) t ^= GP;
      FST[r][c] = t;

For GP = 1011, this algorithm produces the finite state table shown in Table 3
Both the sender and the receiver must build the FST. Only the receiver builds
the error correction table and does so using the following code:

Algorithm 4:

  pos = 7;
  cc = 1;
  for (r = 0; r < hpo2; r++)
      EC[cc] = pos;
      cc *= 2;
      if (cc >= hpo2) cc ^= GP;

The result is the CRC error correction table for 1011 and is equivalent to Tab
le 2.

Correcting a 1-bit Error Using an FST
An example sequence of sending a message, losing a bit, then recovering the ba
d bit follows:

Algorithm 5:

    Given an original message, say 1100
    Append zeros for the checksum on the end: 1100000.
    Traverse the FST...

       cs = 0;
       for (i=1; i < hpo2; i++)
         cs = FST[cs][msg];

    ... giving a 2 (010 in binary) for the checksum (cs).
    Send the message with a binary 2 appended: 1100 010

    Receive a message with 1 bit changed (say bit 4): 1101 010
    Traverse the FST to get a value (cs2) of 3
    if cs2 = 0 then the message is ok
        EC[3] = 4, therefore bit 4 is bad
        Correct the bad bit: 1100 010
    Discard the checksum: 1100

A Sample Program
Listing 2 is a sample program that builds the tables, generates a random strin
g, and changes a random bit. Part 2 of the program determines the position of
the changed bit and corrects it. (The code is written with the message and che
cksum in an array of int. This approach demonstrates the logic while making th
e code much simpler to read.)

[1] Conversation with Maartin van Sway, now Professor Emeritus at Kansas State

[2] Direct quote from "http://www.metricom-corp.com/fec.html

[3] Andrew S. Tanenbaum, Computer Networks, Prentice-Hall. 1996.

[4] Fred Halsall Data Communications, Computer Networks and Open Systems, Addi
son-Wesley, 1996, (p. 137).


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