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亚星游戏官网-yaxin222  大校

发表于 2005-6-12 15:51:00 |显示全部楼层

站在雅虎的立场点来说其实这是合理的,因为他们一直想要壮大Yahoo! Messenger平台的声势,而Skype在这即时通信与网络电话(VoIP)方面将是个非常具有吸引力的媒介。但要顾虑的是,如果雅虎企图想建立它自己的媒体帝国地位时,也将使Yahoo和地方电信业者的关系复杂化。虽然在任何的案例中,怎么看双方阵营都对共组某种程度上的商业合作关系都很感兴趣。


Skype, Yahoo in talks?

It is too early to tell, what is going on, but there seems to be rumors floating that Skype and Yahoo are in close contact, and perhaps cooking up a commercial partnership. The reports are based on a post on Jean-Michel’s blog(http://billaut.typepad.com/jm/2005/06/yahoo_et_skype_.html). It might be too soon for Skype to be cashing out, and I am not sure if Yahoo can justify the big ticket valuation that would be slapped on Skype. There maybe a revenue share deal in the offering! That would make my recent post on Skype, more relevant.

I have a feeling that two companies could be working on ways to get together and make their individual IM/VoIP clients work with each other. Some sources say that Yahoo’s Messenger team has been hyperactive, and is trying to find creative opportunities, so lets not rule out a possibility of an outright purchase. Still given the 41 million downloads, Skype would be a great acqusition for Yahoo, because it could add some significant heft to the Yahoo! Messenger platform. Yahoo has been spending significant amounts of money on turning this into a voice client as well.

The big problem to this deal would be cozy relationship Yahoo enjoys with the baby bells. Skype is public enemy #1 in those circles, and it could mean a big risk for Yahoo which is building itself as media giant of the 21st century. Stay tuned - I am on the trail right now!


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