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亚星游戏官网-yaxin222  上士

发表于 2005-7-11 19:05:00 |显示全部楼层




虽然,互联网是典型的美国产物,但是与万维网由欧洲人发明一样,ICQ也不是美国人的杰作。对于没有专家引导、也没有受过专门教育和培训的四个犹太年轻人来说,能够在三个月内发明ICQ这个在因特网上掀起风暴的新技术,应该说是个奇迹。高德菲因格等四名20多岁的发明人(Yair Goldfinger (26,Chief Technology Officer), Arik Vardi (27,Chief Executive Officer), Sefi Vigiser (25,President), and Amnon Amir (24),),最初的种子基金是向其中一位的父亲借贷的,并在美国硅谷开始了创业历程。后来,美国在线企业三年内,分两次共向其投入4亿多美金,使ICQ技术得到进一步发展和完善。2001年5月,全球ICQ的用户就已经达到了1亿。

ICQ 源自以色列特拉维夫的Mirabils企业(成立于1996年7月)。Mirabils 这个单词是拉丁文中神奇的意思。ICQ就是英文“I SEEK YOU”简称,中文意思是:我找你。这是一款网络即时讯息传呼App,支撑在互联网上面聊天、发送消息、网址及文件等功能。在你上网时,用ICQ可以很快的找到你的朋友,当然他也必须装上这个App。美国在线AOL购买下ICQ以后推出功能更加强大的99a、99B、2000等版本,内建了个搜索器,另外连网页的制作都可以由ICQ独立完成,不用另寻免费空间就可以使用,当你使用时进行适当的设置你的电脑就成了个服务器,网友们通过您的电脑就可进入到您的主页参观。



  QQ:国内最时髦的即时通讯工具当数Tencent的QQ,连到网上的一台台电脑上,屏幕上大多跳跃着一个个各式各样“小人头儿”———QQ上的好友来信了。它为用户提供寻呼、聊天、资讯等信息,还有手机上的移 动QQ服务,现在QQ已经升级到2003版。

  MSN:App巨头MicroSoft之后开发了MSNMessenger,把MSN Messenger嵌进了WindowsXP操作系统里。


  著名搜索网站Yahoo同样推出自己的聊天工具Yahoo Messenger(雅虎通)。雅虎通支撑多种操作系统,并支撑其他便携式无线设备,因此,具有与其他QQ所不同的商业盈利手段。不仅可以随时查看资讯和天气预报,甚至可以随时查阅股票行情。

History of Instant Messaging

Instant messaging was created in July of 1996 by 4 young Israeli avid-computer users. Yair Goldfinger (26,Chief Technology Officer), Arik Vardi (27,Chief Executive Officer), Sefi Vigiser (25,President), and Amnon Amir (24), started a company called Mirabilis in order to introduce a new way of communication over the Internet.

These guys realized that millions of people were connecting to the Internet to use the World Wide Web, but these users were not interconnected. They created a technology which would enable Internet users to locate each other online on the Internet, and to create peer-to-peer communication channels easily. They called their technology ICQ, (I seek you). and released it in November of 1996.

Within 6 months, by "word of mouse", 850,000 users had been registered by Mirabilis. By June of 1997, Mirabilis was able to handle 100,000 concurrent users and had become the largest Internet communications network.

Success of this magnitude with a new communication technology did not go unnoticed, and Mirabilis and ICQ were acquired by America Online in June of 1998 for $287 million.AOL had also created it’s own Instant Messanger system.

微软 had also created its own Instant Messaging client and service, MSN Messenger, and another Internet heavyweight, Yahoo! created one as well.

Because IM services evolved from propriatry systems created by companies to make a profit, their systems remain unable to interoperate because of the desire to control the IM market. AOL and ICQ, even though they are owned by the same company, are not interoperable. The AOL and ICQ clients cannot communicate with one another, and AOL maintains both systems and market dominance in the IM field.

All this may change soon. Conditions of the AOL-Time Warner merger require AOL to open up its IM systems. Several competing companies have joined together to to advocate for an IM protocol similar to those that allow the interoperability of email systems.

Other companies have taken a different approach rather than wait for an agreed-upon standard. Jabber is one company that has created a client program capable of communicating with various IM systems.

All info taken from www.gslis.utexas.edu



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