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亚星游戏官网-yaxin222  上等兵

发表于 2016-9-19 13:59:20 |显示全部楼层
Configuration Process OLT
1. Adding VLANs to Uplink port
2. Adding traffic tables for each service
3. Adding DBA profile
4. Adding ONT line profile
5. Adding ONT service profile
6. Adding ONT service ports for each service
7. VOIP features configuration
8. IPTV features configuration
Configuration Process ONT
1. Configuring Internet service
2. Configuring VOIP service
3. Configuring IPTV Service
4. Enabling security features
OLT configuration
1. Adding VLANs to Uplink port
Connect one of the uplinks to you network. Check uplink board slot id byruning display board 0.
In my case ID is 9, run display board 0/9 tocheck which port is up
As you see port GE 0 is up . First we need to create our VLANs.
NGCOM-OLT(config)#vlan 25 to 28 smart
You can also add description to your VLANs
NGCOM-OLT(config)#vlan desc 25 descriptionMANAGEMENT
NGCOM-OLT(config)#vlan desc 26 description INTERNET
NGCOM-OLT(config)#vlan desc 27 description VOIP
NGCOM-OLT(config)#vlan desc 28 description IPTV
Now we need to add VLANs to uplink port.
NGCOM-OLT(config)#port vlan 25 to 28 0/9 0
2. Adding traffic table for each service
Next step is create traffic tables for each service
To create traffic table for internet service with name HSI-10mb, rate limit10mbps and 802.1p priority according to our QOS plan run:
NGCOM-OLT(config)#traffic table ip name HSI-10mb cir10240 priority 0 priority-policy local-Setting
It is recommended to do rate limit on your BRAS/BNG so in this case run:
NGCOM-OLT(config)#traffic table ip name HSI cir offpriority 0 priority-policy local-Setting
To create traffic table for VOIP service with name VOICE and 802.1p priorityaccording to our QOS plan run:
NGCOM-OLT(config)#traffic table ip name VOICE ciroff priority 5 priority-policy local-Setting
To create traffic table for IPTV service with name IPTV and 802.1p priorityaccording to our QOS plan run:
NGCOM-OLT(config)#traffic table ip name IPTV cir offpriority 4 priority-policy local-Setting
3. Adding DBA profile
Now we need to create DBA profile for different type of services. Profile namewill be ftth_dba type 3 with assured bandwidth 8 mbps andmaximum bandwidth 20 mbps
NGCOM-OLT(config)#dba-profile add profile-nameftth_dba type3 assure 8192 max 20480
The DBA implementation is based on an ONT. Therefore, select a DBA profile ofthe proper bandwidth type and configure proper bandwidth according to theservice types and total user count of the ONT. Note that the sum of the fixedbandwidth and the assured bandwidth must not be greater than the totalbandwidth of the PON port.

4. Adding ONT line profile

To create ONT line profile and bind it to dba profile run:
NGCOM-OLT(config)#ont-lineprofile gpon profile-nameftth
NGCOM-OLT(config-gpon-lineprofile-1)#tcont 4dba-profile-name ftth_dba
To create GEM ports for our services according to our plan run:
NGCOM-OLT(config-gpon-lineprofile-1)#gem add 11 ethtcont 4
NGCOM-OLT(config-gpon-lineprofile-1)#gem add 12 ethtcont 4
NGCOM-OLT(config-gpon-lineprofile-1)#gem add 13 ethtcont 4
NGCOM-OLT(config-gpon-lineprofile-1)#gem add 14 ethtcont 4
To map GEM ports to appropriate VLANs run:
NGCOM-OLT(config)#ont-lineprofile gpon profile-nameftth
NGCOM-OLT(config-gpon-lineprofile-1)#gem mapping 110 vlan 25
NGCOM-OLT(config-gpon-lineprofile-1)#gem mapping 121 vlan 27
NGCOM-OLT(config-gpon-lineprofile-1)#gem mapping 132 vlan 28
NGCOM-OLT(config-gpon-lineprofile-1)#gem mapping 143 vlan 26
5. Adding ONT service profile
To create ONT service profile with name ftth according to our gateway ONT type(in my case HG8346Mwith 4 ethernet and 2 pots ports) run:
NGCOM-OLT(config)#ont-srvprofile gpon profile-nameftth
NGCOM-OLT(config-gpon-srvprofile-1)#ont-port ethadaptive pots adaptive

6.Adding ONT to OLT

To check GPON board slot ID run display board 0.In my case its 0.
Before adding ONT we need to enable ont-auto-find feature toensure that OLT properly discovered ONT.
To enable ont-auto-find on port 0 of GPON board 0 run:
NGCOM-OLT(config)#interface gpon 0/0
NGCOM-OLT(config-if-gpon-0/0)#port 0 ont-auto-findenable
To see discovered ONTs run:
NGCOM-OLT(config-if-gpon-0/0)#display ont autofind 0
As you see OLT discovered ONT with serial number 4857544326A5EB34, on port 0of GPON board 0
To add this ONT using ont line profile ftth and serviceprofile ftth assinging ont id 7 run:
NGCOM-OLT(config)#interface gpon 0/0
NGCOM-OLT(config-if-gpon-0/0)#ont add 0 7 sn-auth 4857544326A5EB34omci ont-lineprofile-name ftth ont-srvprofile-name ftth desc NGCOM_ONT
To check if ONT properly registered run :
NGCOM-OLT(config-if-gpon-0/0)#display ont info 0 7
under gpon interface mode
NGCOM-OLT(config)#display ont info 0 0 0 7
under config mode
0 0 0 7 means frame id / gpon board slot id / port id on gpon board / ont id
Following values indicates that ONT successfully registered
Control flag : active
Run state : online
Config state : normal
Match state : match
6. Adding ONT service ports for each service
For easy management i advice to allocate service port IDs for each service .For example 1000-1999 Internet service, 2000-2999 VOIP service, 3000-3999 IPTVservice, 100-999 for Management purpose
To create service port for Internet service run:
NGCOM-OLT(config)#service-port 1000 vlan 26 gpon0/0/0 ont 7 gemport 14 multi-service user-vlan 26 inbound traffic-table nameHSI outbound traffic-table name HSI
To create service port for VOIP service run:
NGCOM-OLT(config)#service-port 2000 vlan 27 gpon0/0/0 ont 7 gemport 12 multi-service user-vlan 27 inbound traffic-table nameVOICE outbound traffic-table name VOICE
To create service port for IPTV service run:
NGCOM-OLT(config)#service-port 3000 vlan 28 gpon0/0/0 ont 7 gemport 13 multi-service user-vlan 28 inbound traffic-table nameIPTV outbound traffic-table name IPTV
7. VOIP features configuration
Voice media streams for different users of the same VLAN fail to interchangebecause the service ports of the smart VLAN are isolated from each other.Therefore, the ARP proxy function needs to be enabled on the OLT.
NGCOM-OLT(config)#arp proxy enable
NGCOM-OLT(config)#interface vlanif 27
NGCOM-OLT(config-if-vlanif27)#arp proxy enable
8. IPTV features configuration
To configure multicast service first of all multicast routing should beenabled. Then in btv mode and multicast vlan mode appropriate service portsshould be added. In my case i use igmp snooping mode but you can choose alsoigmp proxy. There are different ways to configure multicast on this OLT itdepends on you requirements. I explained simplest way to do it. So runfollowing commands to configure multicast as I explained before.
NGCOM-OLT(config)#multicast routing-enable
NGCOM-OLT(config-btv)#igmp user add service-port3000 no-auth
NGCOM-OLT(config-btv)multicast-vlan 28
NGCOM-OLT(config-mvlan28)#igmp version v2
NGCOM-OLT(config-mvlan28)#igmp match mode disable
NGCOM-OLT(config-mvlan28)#igmp multicast-vlan memberservice-port 3000
NGCOM-OLT(config-mvlan28)#igmp mode snooping
NGCOM-OLT(config-mvlan28)#igmp uplink-port0/9/0


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