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发表于 2023-10-9 11:11:59 |显示全部楼层
WiFi 6 Or WiFi 7 |Latest wifi Bsaed on IPQ6018 IPQ6010 IPQ9574 Qualcomm Atheros
WiFi 6 (802.11ax)
Features and Improvements:
-Increased Throughput: WiFi 6 offers higher data rates, providing significantly improved throughput compared to its predecessors. It achieves this through the use of advanced modulation techniques like 1024-QAM and higher bandwidth channels (up to 160 MHz).
Encoding Scheme
MU-MIMO (Multi-User, Multiple Input, Multiple Output): WiFi 6 supports uplink and downlink MU-MIMO, allowing multiple devices to transmit and receive data simultaneously, enhancing network efficiency in crowded environments.
OFDMA (Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple Access): This feature enables more efficient data transmission by dividing a WiFi channel into smaller sub-channels, allowing multiple devices to communicate concurrently.
BSS Coloring: BSS Coloring reduces interference by enabling devices to distinguish between overlapping networks. This enhances network efficiency and reliability.
Enhanced User Experience; WiFi 6 offers faster speeds and improved performance, providing a better user experience, especially in densely populated areas with multiple connected devices.
Lower Latency: The reduced latency in WiFi 6 is crucial for applications such as online gaming, video conferencing, and real-time streaming.
More Efficient Spectrum Utilization: The technologies like OFDMA and BSS coloring in WiFi 6 help in utilizing the available spectrum more efficiently, resulting in higher network capacity.
WiFi 7 (802.11be)
WiFi 7 is the upcoming generation of WiFi technology, promising even more significant advancements in wireless connectivity.
Expected Features and Improvements:
Extreme Data Rates: WiFi 7 is anticipated to achieve unprecedented data rates, potentially reaching multiple terabits per second (Tbps), thanks to advancements in modulation and bandwidth utilization.
Improved Spectrum Efficiency: More efficient spectrum use through enhanced modulation schemes and smarter utilization of available frequencies.
Frequency bands: 2.4 GHz, 5 GHz, and 6 GHz.
Encoding Scheme: 4096-Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (QAM)
Coding Rate: 5/6
Maximum Channel Bandwidth: 320 MHz
Symbol Transmission Time: 13.6 μs
Number of Spatial Streams: 8x8 MIMO
The theoretical peak rate of Wi-Fi 7 can reach up to 23.06 Gbps. 2.4 times that of Wi-Fi 6.
Benefits (Anticipated):
Unprecedented Speeds: WiFi 7 is expected to deliver astonishing speeds, transforming the way we interact with and utilize the internet, especially in a world where data demands are constantly increasing.
Ultra-Reliable Connectivity: The combination of high data rates and reduced latency will provide ultra-reliable connectivity, meeting the demands of futuristic applications and technologies.
Efficient Spectrum Utilization: WiFi 7's improvements in spectrum efficiency will make it more feasible to accommodate the growing number of connected devices and the data they generate.

In conclusion, WiFi 6 has already made significant strides in enhancing wireless connectivity, and WiFi 7 is poised to push the boundaries even further, promising astonishing data speeds, improved efficiency, and ultra-reliable connectivity. Stay tuned for more developments in this exciting evolution of wireless technology.


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